Welcome to Mom's Toy Chest!

As a mother of 6 kids, who has been in the Toy Industry for 10 years, I have learned much.
I would like to share that knowledge and experience. This website is my opportunity to do that.

This is a friendly website, from one mom to another, featuring helpful "Mom Reviews" and other information and articles (coming soon) pertaining to raising these little children we have been entrusted with. Since this is also my "hobby", it will also branch off into other areas, but a Mom's care of her children, in guiding them to good use of their time through educational or learning toys and activities is going to be the main focus of this site.

The blog exists just as a way of sharing different experiences or thoughts. Feel free to follow along, and relate to our family as you go through your journey with raising yours!

Please forgive the "newness" of the website. It is new, but I have a lot of ideas and places I would like to eventually go with it. :)

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KidKraft Kitchen
KidKraft Pink Retro Kitchen
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